Santiago (James) Island

With a surface area of 585 sqkm2, Santiago is the fourth largest island. Its main volcano rises to a height of 907 m. All vegetation zones, from coastal to humid, are represented. However, the vegetation of Santiago is altered due to the presence of feral goats. It is a dramatic island covered with lava flows and arid vegetation. Many animals were introduced here such as feral goats, wild pigs, donkeys and rats. Upon landing, we find a black sand beach and the remains of a salt mine enterprise. Along the shore, we find some marine life caught in tidal pools. Marine iguanas graze on exposed green algae. This visit ends at the grottos, deep pools of clear water, where we encounter the fur sea lion, once thought to be on the verge of extinction. Snorkeling possible.


On this island you can find sea lions, Galapagos hawk, marine iguana, sally light foot crab, American oystercatcher, great blue heron, lava heron, yellow-crowed night heron. Also you can find different plant life such as palo santo trees, molluyu, brachycereus, beach morning glory, opuntia cactus, scutia, pauciflors, alternantherp, castela galageia.

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Adventure lovers will be keen to explore the Ecuadorian Amazon or to climb one of the country’s volcanoes. This tiny country packs a lot of punch and this travel guide can help you make the most of your trip.

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Debra Pitton / USA
2016-05-31, 19:22
Very Well Organized and efficent. I felt confident in knowing they would support my travels.

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We can combine cultural and natural destinations for small or large groups, to fit into the dates that you want to travel and that will satisfy the expectations of the most demanding travellers.

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Accommodation, all meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner) all guides excursions: Bird watching, swimming & tubing, Kayaking & canoeing, fishing, Achuar community visit, land and air transportation...

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